Lets be honest about self defense hand-blasters…
WHY? I dunno…maybe because they are snappy, have rudimentary/pathetic sights, low capacity and you “ain’t about that reloading game,” or they are just plain unpleasant to shoot but “MAN, do they hide awesome!”
If it meets those criteria, you are not wrong with your carry blaster choice in any way.
Here is the deal: If you carry a blaster. Even a TEENY TINY blaster – Thank you on behalf of your fellow freedom-loving responsibly-armed neighbors and countrymen!
All we ask? Make sure you can shoot it ACCURATELY should the worst day ever happen and others are around who do not deserve an immediate onset of lead allergies.
At MDFI, we DO NOT CARE what blaster you carry, but we do care about making you better with it. If while aboard the, “Choo-choo train of training on the way to Knowledge-ville” you find that the blaster you thought was the ‘New Hotness’ turns out to be old and busted, then YOU get to make that call to change things out.
Don’t worry about what the internets tells you is “good or bad” – Make an educated determination for yourself.
Grab your Desert Eagle .50 or your .22 short belt-fed mouse gun and come on out to a safe, fun, educational, and ego-free time with a team at MDFI.
(and after class we REALLY want to shoot the belt-fed .22!)
See you there!
– Trek
Ran my shield through foundation for this reason. I do carry a larger frame pistol in colder temps, but May through September I carry my shield mainly. I would rather I know I duck with the shield and need more practice after training then realizing it IF I need it. Another great article, thanks Trek!
Completely agree. Ran my Shield through Foundation handgun and it was well worth the hassle.
MDFI was the only training company that allowed me to use an LCPII in class. Another instructor at a different company swore at me for bringing my workplace carry gun, the LCPII to class. He wouldn’t even let me use a Shield. Glock or nothing, and that was mentioned nowhere in the course description. I learned a lot in the MDFI class, because I could train with what I carried. There were Type 1 feeding problems AND Type 2 double feed problems. Clearing jams on an LCPII is not as easy as a Glock 19, and the simplified double feed clearance methods did not work at all. After a day of class I developed a serious flinch, shooting worse at the end of the day. It hurt to shoot the LCPII. I redesigned the frame of the LCPII to stop the pain, and conscious practice helped me do well with the LCPII. I know how to clear real double feed jams, and I never would have learned those skills without the MDFI class. It is admirable that MDFI allows people to train with what they carry. It was a great way to assess my skills and shake out my gear.