MDFI is very proud to offer our Safe Schools Scholarship for those who have taken on the responsibility to educate our youth.
With the understanding that the absolute best way to keep those in schools safe from criminals with evil intent is to have a cadre of school staff who are trained and willing to be protectors for those in their charge, MDFI is offering scholarships for any of our MCOLES registered handgun courses for those who are authorized to bear arms at an educational facility. Those courses include:
- You Suck! It’s Not the Gun!®
- Foundation Handgun
- Handgun Cover + Movement
- Low Light Handgun
- When Things Go Bad
- Beyond A Door
- The Dot Life
- You STILL Suck! It’s Not the Gun!
We know very few folks will initially be available for this program. Hopefully, as those dedicated to the protection of students and who understand that the status quo is not doing any good continue to make progress on the legislative side of the house, more and more folks will be able to lawfully carry at these facilities.
- You must be a CPL holding individual in the State of Michigan.
- You must be a Staff member (Janitor, teacher, security guard, bus driver, etc) of a Michigan school, public or private which cares for, educates, or holds after-school programs with kids of all ages that is listed as a current “gun free zone” to the normal public.
- You must have lawful permission to carry a firearm WHILE ON DUTY AT THE FACILITY and will do so.
- Print and fill out the MDFI Safe Schools Scholarship application, attach a letter from your principal / super-intendant / dean granting you permission to carry at your facility while on duty and mail the form in to the address on the application.
- All selected staff are eligible for one free class per year. This will allow us to assist as many as we can. The next calendar year, new applicants will have priority however prior attendees under the scholarship may resubmit.
- You will be notified via email when you are selected and registered for a class and all you need to do is show up with the required gear.