October 6, 2024
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Details | Price | Qty |
Full Tuition | $225.00 (USD) | Sold Out |
"Foundation Shotgun – Mt. Pleasant" is currently sold out.
Please check back again later, as spots may become available.
Class Flow: MODERATE (students can expect full day of shooting and weapon manipulation from a static line)
There is no other defensive firearm as versatile as the Shotgun. Foundation Shotgun is designed to stress the importance of proper weapon manipulation and shooting techniques. The goal of this MDFI Foundation class is to build a strong and efficient foundation regarding the proper use and manipulation of the Shotgun as a defensive tool. Without a strong foundation, any additional training is wasted time. This class will prepare students for our "Advanced" level classes and is a mandatory prerequisite to move on with the MDFI curriculum.
This class is for students who understand the fundamentals of marksmanship, live by the four rules of responsible firearms handling, and are looking to learn to use the shotgun as a defensive tool.
Law Enforcement: This course is MCOLES certified through MDFI and counts toward training credit.
In-depth Firearms Responsibility (safety) and Medical Briefing
Inspection and Inventory
Carry, Presentations, and Shooting Techniques
Recoil Mitigation
The Threat Engagement Process
Shotgun Manipulation
Ammunition Management
Patterning a Shotgun for Defense
Shotgun Ammunition Types/Uses
MDFI Foundation Shotgun Qualifier
Pump or Semi-Auto Shotgun
Bring Shotgun As You Have It Setup for Defense
300 Rounds of Birdshot (lead shot only)
15 Rounds of Buckshot
15 Rounds of Slugs
Body-Worn Pouch to Hold Spare Ammunition
Eye + Ear Protection
Appropriate Clothing for Weather
Sunscreen / Insect Repellent
Folding Canopy, Table and/or Chair
Snacks + Drink for 8 Hours of Training
Valid Concealed Weapon License or Law Enforcement Credentials (if you do not have either, email us for instructions).
Must have working operational knowledge of the firearm you bring to class (i.e know how to load/unload safely).
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This is hands down the best foundations class for any platform I have ever taken. Regardless of your experience level with shotguns you will walk away better than you were at the beginning. The staff is exceptionally knowledgeable, communicates the information clearly and concisely with an emphasis on safety that is well above and beyond what I have seen from other training institutions. I cannot recommend MDFI highly enough.
The drills are extremely practical, emphasize heavily mastering ammunitions management and recoil control. The weather was hot for the class and the staff gave students ample time to hydrate and hit shade as needed without wasting time.
If you are considering taking this class do it. I will be taking more classes despite the nearly 6hour drive.
Like many reviews on this class mention, the shotgun was the platform I had least experience in. I ran the class with a Mossberg 590, and I really get how the pump-action requires a lot of thinking and a need for constantly "managing" the weapon. Tim and Thomas ran the show as they always do with the perfect balance of rigor, fun, and humor. The students were almost equally divided between those running pump-actions and those running auto-loaders, and the instruction was well crafted for both platforms. In a time when shotguns are becoming somewhat of a lost art, MDFI is keeping the craft alive.
Two thumbs way up.
Honestly, I'm not sure where to begin. This class blew my mind. Of all the tools I have in my security bundle, "the gauge" is my weakest platform. Let me assure you, the MDFI cadre will go above and beyond to teach you more about the shotgun than you ever thought possible. There will be some gear validation, science of patterning, and manipulations that you may not have ever thought of. This class may even make you consider a shotgun for your primary security option because of how versatile it is. DO NOT be afraid of this class because of what you think of recoil and the round count. They quickly teach you how to mitigate the recoil, but it'll be something you will have to practice for sure. I was able to get a boat load of data from this course and I only shot about 120 rounds. I found out quickly that there is a lot to think about when trying to run a gauge efficiently, but MDFI gives you plenty skills to work it out. A fantastic course, and I couldn't have asked for a better group of alumni and new members to train with. Thank you Trek, Tim, and Thomas for the incredible knowledge transfer.
If you own a shotgun, whether it be a pump, semi auto, hunting, defense or sport. Take this class and bring it. You'll see shotguns of all sorts and people running them well and working past issues. Like Foundation Handgun and Rifle, you will learn about your shotgun, you will learn what it likes and what it doesn't, how to manipulate it. Great class, for sure will take it again.
DO NOT FEAR THIS CLASS! If you have not taken this class because of the round count, fear of recoil, or your lack of knowledge about shotguns then think again. I was an absolute beginner with a shotgun when the class started and by the end I felt completely competent. The recoil mitigation technique they teach you is like magic and you WILL enjoy shooting a shotgun forever afterward.
I took the class at caro gun club and it was great facility. Top notch instructors that had everyone no matter the type of shotgun able to run it like a champ by the end. I learned more than I could ever imagine. The most impact full thing was the gun gear suggestions. I have already implemented a few.
I did not pass the qualification test at the end of the class. But it was still a fantastic class experience. I now understand my shotgun's operation better than I could have had I made a thousand trips to the range. I have a skill set to practice and the pre class evaluation on our guns identified some change I need to make. Another great MDFI course!
This was one of the most surprisingly fun and informative classes I've taken at MDFI. I went in excited, but also thinking I already knew what I needed to know about shotguns. After all, I hunted and had used all types of shotguns. How much more could there be? I was totally wrong. I took the course with a bare bones pump and was amazed at what I learned and how much it helped my shotgun skills in other arenas. Rolling Thunder will forever be etched in my memory. I have a new found love for shotguns after this class.
Outstanding class. Due to how easy it is to be familiar with a handgun and think you’re familiar with your shotgun, this class is far and away the most enlightening of the foundation level courses. As many have said, if it’s even possible you could ever use a shotgun in a defensive situation, this is where you will discover you don’t know was much as you think you know. I enjoyed it the first time and even more the second time I took it. The “tools” learned about this platform in this course are a game changer. It’s a day of enlightenment with your blaster. Get on it!!
Excellent class I enjoyed and learned from it. The syllabuss outstanding. Classic take a big subject put it in small pieces present orally tactically visually. Throw in humor relevant stories and give a lot of energy away. Trek has talent as an instructor. Shane was understated and concise with helpful comments. Obviously I recommend this class.
What an eye-opening class! It was a very positive, but unexpected experience.
Shotguns, being so commonly owned and used for sporting, often seem like a simple machine, but they're quite unique as a self-defense tool. The manipulations are so unfamiliar to folks familiar with analogous handgun training.
After learning emergency reloads, I was so frustrated with myself, I was considering setting the gun down and just watching for the rest of the day because I felt unsure of myself, but as I evaluated my situation I realized I was still in control but I was letting my frustration get to me. I decided to change my perspective and continue participating. I heard Trek yell, "Own the gun, don't let it own you." Repeating that to myself (plus a smattering of "embrace the suck") helped me muster the gumption to participate in Rolling Thunder and let me just say, Totally Worth It! After that, I was loving the day.
Don't get me wrong, the class was super fun, even in the cold and rain. Also, I probably learned as much about managing my mindset as I did about running a gauge. I have a feeling that's going to be very handy with my upcoming training courses with MDFI next year. Big thanks to Trek and the cadre! They're all top-notch, truly excellent teachers.
Foundation Shotgun 👍🏻 This class was just plain fun for me. You MUST take This class are going to have a shotgun leaning against the wall for home defense. Yes, YOU HAVE TO AIM A SHOTGUN. And you need to know how YOURS works.
I never considered it, just figured I'd use my carry weapon. So I solely purchased an 870 clone just for the class thinking I'd use it once.
YSINTG was my favorite, now it's 2nd Place.
If you're afraid of the 12ga recoil, use a 20. Still worried? Don't be. My shoulder doesn't even know I shot a couple hundred 12ga rounds. And some were 3" 00 buck high brass with 15 pellets. They BARKED, but didn't hurt with the knowledge I gained today. There was a young lady in my class, and she was having no problems managing recoil after instruction.
Just take it!
Awesome class today Foundation Shotgun. Excellent instructor..Hands down the best training session I have taken.